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Hvac Technician Near Me: Common Hvac Myths in Fort Myers, FL

There are over 212,000 HVAC technicians in the US, so finding the perfect one for your needs can be difficult.

Ultimately, what you’re looking for when you choose an HVAC technician is someone nearby that can be honest and helpful with your HVAC needs. To find the best ones in your area, search “HVAC technician near me” and choose the ones with the best ratings and reviews to look into.

There are plenty of HVAC myths out there that cause Florida homeowners to spend too much money on repairs and replacements. As one of the top HVAC companies in Fort Myers, we want to dispel these myths to help save you money and bring more peace and comfort to your home.

If you’ve been sinking your hard-earned cash into your HVAC system, keep reading. Dispelling these myths will help you understand your HVAC system and how to choose an HVAC technician that has your best interest in mind.

Your HVAC System Doesn’t Need Maintenance

So many homeowners take their HVAC system for granted. It’s a real “out of sight, out of mind” part of your home, but it shouldn’t have to break down to command your attention. Like anything, your HVAC system needs regular maintenance in order to function properly.

With annual maintenance from the best HVAC technician in your area, plus regular DIY maintenance, your system can last up to 15 years. If you ignore maintenance altogether, you’re going to spend a lot on upkeep and eventual replacement.

The most important thing you need to think about is your air filters. They need to be changed every 3 months to ensure good air quality and proper HVAC functioning. 

Filters catch all of the dirt and debris that goes through your ducts. Eventually, they become clogged and if you don’t change them, your HVAC system will have to work harder to regulate your home’s temperature.

This often results in astronomical energy bills. Once the dirt and debris are in the air, you also have to worry about illnesses and allergies.

A Big HVAC System Is the Best Option

Another popular myth is the “bigger is better” approach to heating and cooling. In reality, an HVAC system that is too big is just as problematic as one that’s too small. 

When you hire an HVAC technician to do an installation, they’ll look at your home to determine the perfect system. If you get one that’s too small, it’ll have trouble heating/cooling your home.

If you get one that’s too big, it’ll use more energy, which will increase your bills. The real problem, however, is that it’ll short-cycle. This means that it’ll reach the desired temperature quickly, then repeatedly turn off and on again to maintain the temperature.

Short cycling is proven to degrade the parts in an HVAC system more quickly. Always consult an HVAC technician when choosing a system to avoid this problem.

Using Your HVAC System Is Expensive

We all know a homeowner who refrains from actually using their HVAC system in order to keep the bills down. While older HVAC systems do use plenty of energy, we’ve got plenty of energy-efficient technology these days that keeps the bills down.

With a good Energy Star-rated system that offers ductless heating and cooling, you can avoid energy loss through leaky ducts. If you combine that with a smart thermostat that keeps your home’s temperature perfectly regulated, heating and cooling your home can be affordable.

It Doesn’t Matter Where the Thermostat Goes

A common misconception about thermostats is that they exclusively communicate with your HVAC system. In reality, the conditions in your home actually can affect how your thermostat performs.

It does matter where your thermostat is placed. If it’s on an exterior wall, near a window, or in direct sunlight, it can malfunction. Basically, you need to keep it away from areas where the temperature could spike. 

Exterior walls are more vulnerable to outside temperatures. Windows present similar problems, while sunlight and kitchen appliances can increase the temperature around the thermostat.

You Should Close the Vents in Empty Rooms

Many people think that you should close vents in empty rooms to save energy. When you do this, you’re actually putting more strain on your HVAC system. Closed vents can increase the air pressure in the ducts, leading to potential air leaks in the seams of the ducts.

An Energy-Efficient HVAC Unit Guarantees Lower Bills

Above, we mentioned the benefits of buying an energy-efficient, modern HVAC system. This is definitely your best bet at lowering your bills, but it’s not the only factor. You need to make sure that the conditions in your home are right too.

If you’ve got old windows with gaping air leaks, no HVAC unit is going to perform at its best. Likewise, older homes with poor insulation are going to have trouble keeping the temperature regulated. In particular, homes with poor attic insulation are going to squander a lot of the work the system is doing.

When you choose an HVAC technician, they should be able to look at problem areas of your home. Fix these and your brand-new HVAC system will make a huge difference in your bills.

You Don’t Need to Hire an HVAC Technician

The biggest myth of all is that you don’t need an HVAC technician to help you with maintenance, repairs, etc. What it is an HVAC technician, if not someone who is highly trained and capable of boosting your HVAC system’s performance?

Although we find them in almost every home, HVAC systems are complicated pieces of machinery. Technicians go through plenty of training before they’re certified to work on them. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you can DIY your HVAC system with no experience.

HVAC Technician Near Me

To get the best heating and cooling services in Fort Myers, type “HVAC technician near me” into Google. There, you’ll find Florida Cooling Solutions Inc. We’ve been serving Cape Coral and Fort Myers for over a decade, so you can trust us with all of your HVAC needs.

To get a free quote for your services, contact us today. All of our work comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so let us help you do away with these HVAC myths and look after your system the proper way.